The Burning Hot Facts on Fireproof Safes

Stop, Drop, and Roll!
Sage advice given to most school children across the country when we were younger-- when you see a fire: stop, drop, and roll! We’re used to posters of what to do, where to run, which stairs to take...and as we venture outside, we often find posters of Smokey the Bear himself saying only we can prevent fires.
But how do we prevent theft, loss, and the vulnerability that comes with destruction?
As kids, when preparing for disaster (does one ever truly feel prepared for disaster?) we knew that all we had to take with us in the event of an emergency (such as a tornado, a hurricane, or a fire) was whatever could fit in our hands. A favorite stuffed toy, an old blanket. That’s if we were lucky. We mainly knew we had to get the heck out of there and to safety.
In adulthood, the idea of taking things with us in the event of an emergency suddenly became our responsibility. No more “what 3 things would you grab in a fire?” hypotheticals--now the question would become, “What’s your contingency plan in case of a fire or other natural disaster? Are all your documents and most precious items accounted for?”
The usual answer is “yes, they’re in the safe” or “yes, they’re safe and sound, locked away.” But are they locked away in a safe that you can ensure won’t get destroyed in the process? Most safes on the market, while fireproof and waterproof so as to protect the materials inside from elemental damage, compromise secure integrity for material functionality. On average, fire safes will keep your items protected from heat and smoke damage for an hour and at most just under 2 hours.
And while the safe itself might be fireproof, but materials used in fireproof casing are thinner, and easily sawed through. In turn, they're more easily breached. “Reinforced steel” might sound great to the average consumer, but to the average skilled robber, that means it’s a small physical hurdle that they can likely get over with the proper tools.
The Space Safe takes the proactive approach instead. With exterior and interior cameras, plus temperature controls and sensors, you’ll be alerted to any combination of disasters before they even have a chance to happen. With your phone in your hand, you can alert 911 of a fire inside your home and get the fire department over before it has a chance to spread. With cameras showing the outside on a remotely accessible feed, even the most advanced robber with the most advanced set of tools will be stopped in their tracks, face caught in HD and nothing to do but turn back.

This is what to expect from a fireproof safe.
Luckily, The Space Safe acts as a live-in security system integrated onto phones that we use every moment of our lives. The Space App is like carrying a personal security guard and home safe in your pocket or purse with you.
Why Fireproof Specifically?
According to reports by FEMA, the NFIRS, and the National Safety Council, one civilian fire-related death occurs every 144 minutes, and one civilian fire-related injury occurs every 35 minutes.
This causes nearly 12 billion dollars in fire damage each year, not to mention the countless priceless lives added to the cost. And they’re not due to wily robbers, burglars, or unhinged arsonists. Fires start at home mainly due to cooking, heating equipment, and electrical malfunction. Candles, Christmas trees, hot plates, or poor wiring can lead to a fast-spreading disaster.
Most fires are accidents, and without fault, but the damage and impact are everlasting. Getting out ahead of them is the best thing you can do.
So how does it work?
Simple. The interior temperature and humidity sensors that come with the Space Safe signal sudden changes or swings in temperature or humidity. The thresholds are controlled by you, the user, and never shift except for when you want them to do so.
The Space App alerts you via notification on your mobile phone that the home safe is undergoing a drastic change as per your settings in temperature and/or humidity. This detection can indicate you if a fire is happening or if the air quality in your house is poor.
Best of all notifications don't just stop at temperature or humidity. If an attempted intruder or force of nature does anything at all, you will receive notifications. Easily pull up the camera on the Smart Safe app and see for yourself what's happening. The 2-way talk; similar to an intercom, actually allows you to speak to whoever or whatever is on the other end (or bark like a dog, or howl like a coyote--we've scared intruders like that before. We're professionals!)
Rather than relying on a standard fireproof safe that's "built tough", rely on a luxurious and up to date safe that's built tough and has the technology to give you ample warning that you need to protect your most precious belongings. Stop, drop, and rely on a smart safe.
Read more about it at

Images used are not the property of space and are used for inspiration to discuss products.
— Lizz Evalen